In the Shop

Mighty Hatchet: Origins

Mighty Hatchet: Origins

718 Cyclery has been a leader in creating trips and adventures for NYC cyclists for years. The idea for Mighty Hatchet came in 2018, as we sought a path to reach a different set of customers, while staying true to who we are and the customers who got us here.

"Friendly Fire" Class

"Friendly Fire" Class

Last night, in conjunction with Mighty Hatchet, we hosted our first “Friendly Fire” Class. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss various types of camp stoves, fuel and firs starting techniques.

Fall 2018 Women's Intensive Class 1

Fall 2018 Women's Intensive Class 1

The Women’s Bike Maintenance Intensive is a 3 part course designed to teach you the basics of how to take care of and fix your bike. It is designed to come after the “basic maintenance” course offered monthly, but it is not required to understand or enjoy this course.

Women's Bike Maintenance Classes

Women's Bike Maintenance Classes

This monthly class at 718 Cyclery is an open forum for women and gnc folks. There will be a topic planned as well as a chance to troubleshoot and discuss any maintenance questions. Plan to get your hands on bikes for a deeper understanding of bicycle mechanics. Those of all skill levels are encouraged to come whether to share knowledge and/or questions!

Never Never Never Ever Discount Labor

Never Never Never Ever Discount Labor

Why would we ever want to cut out from under us the one real leg we have to sta nd on?" This time of year (winter), it always seems a lot of shops offer tune-up deals.   Is the idea is to bring in more work and get paid less for it?  What is the point of that? Doesn't that get you back to where you started?